Customer Experience Insights - Andrew Reise

How Speech Analytics Minimizes Repeat Calls

Written by Tim Carrigan | Dec 19, 2023 12:00:00 PM

One critical aspect that impacts customer satisfaction is the need to contact a company more than once for the same issue. When customers need to call back multiple times to resolve an issue, frustration can mount, leading to diminished trust in the company. Call centers are turning to innovative solutions like speech analytics to address this challenge and deliver seamless service.

Keep reading to explore this widespread use case and learn how speech analytics can effectively minimize repeat customer calls, thereby avoiding customer dissatisfaction and optimizing call center operations.


The Impact of Repeat Calls on Customer Satisfaction

Repeat calls can profoundly impact the customer experience. Imagine a customer calling a helpline to address an issue with their insurance claim. After explaining the problem and providing all the necessary details, they are then told to wait several days for processing, only to receive no follow-up or confirmation. They call again for an update, only to discover issues with the claim, supply more information, and wait even longer.

This repetition can leave customers feeling unheard and undervalued. Such negative experiences tarnish customers' perceptions of the company and erode their trust and loyalty.

As a result, customers may be driven to seek alternative service providers who can offer a more efficient and seamless experience. This customer churn can harm a company's bottom line because acquiring new customers is typically more expensive than retaining existing ones.

Additionally, the burden of repeat calls unnecessarily strains call center resources and increases operational costs. Agents spend more time on the phone while repeatedly handling the same issues, which hampers their productivity and may lead to burnout. It is also important to note that repeat calls almost always take longer than average due to the need of the customer to get the agent up to speed on what was discussed in prior calls.

Call centers must prioritize minimizing repeat calls to maintain a positive customer experience and keep costs contained. Companies can significantly improve customer satisfaction and loyalty by effectively addressing the root causes of these calls and streamlining their processes.


Speech Analytics for Minimizing Repeat Calls

Efficiency is the backbone of a thriving call center. Simplifying processes and providing timely resolutions are essential for meeting customer expectations and building strong relationships. Call centers can allocate resources more effectively by minimizing repeat calls, reducing average handle times, and boosting overall productivity.

Speech analytics is a game-changing technology that leverages natural language processing and advanced algorithms to analyze real-time customer interactions. It enables call centers to extract valuable insights from conversations, such as customer sentiment, agent performance, and the root causes of repeat calls. Armed with this information, organizations can identify opportunities for improvement and implement targeted solutions to reduce repeat claims calls.

Identifying Root Causes of Repeat Calls

Speech analytics helps call centers reach the problem's heart by identifying common issues that lead to repeat calls. Whether it's confusion about a product or service, unresolved queries, or inadequate agent responses, understanding the root causes empowers organizations to address them proactively.

Speech analytics offers detailed performance evaluations for agents. Call centers can identify gaps in agent training and knowledge by analyzing interactions. Strengthening agent skills and product knowledge equips them to handle customer inquiries more effectively, reducing the likelihood of repeat calls.

Anticipation is vital when it comes to minimizing repeat calls. By using speech analytics, call centers can proactively detect potential issues and trends, allowing them to be addressed before they become widespread problems.


Repeat Claims Calls: A Combined Insurance Call Study

Andrew Reise worked with a national insurance company to identify and develop a plan to reduce repeat calls related to insurance claims. While this effort ultimately drove significant cost savings, it also resulted in heightened customer and agent satisfaction.

Using speech analytics, we identified repeat claims calls and conducted an in-depth analysis. We found that repeat calls were longer and had increased hold times compared to the rest of the call population.

Our approach involved analyzing a sample of calls to identify root causes, leading us to propose actionable recommendations to reduce the duration and cost of these calls. The potential of implementing these measures is significant, with an estimated annual potential benefit of almost $1 million achievable through a reduction in repeat calls and the average handle time (AHT) of the remaining calls.


Bringing It All Together

Speech analytics is a transformative tool that can revolutionize call center operations by minimizing repeat claims calls. Call centers can significantly improve customer satisfaction and overall performance through understanding root causes, real-time monitoring, enhancing agent training, and embracing proactive issue resolution.

Organizations are encouraged to leverage speech analytics to deliver seamless service and build lasting customer relationships. Embracing this technology will undoubtedly pave the way for a brighter future—where customer satisfaction remains at the forefront of every call center's mission.

Learn More Ways to Improve the Contact Center

Speech analytics isn’t the only tool leaders can use to optimize the call center. Contact center analytics of all types can smooth out customer friction, increase customer loyalty, and push down costs. Want to learn about how contact center analytics work? Read Contact Center Analytics: A Step-by-Step Guide to Drive Customer Success for a deep dive into which analytics tools are out there and how to use them effectively.