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Case Study

Digital VoC Strategy

Voice of Customer (VoC) analysis spotlights opportunities to pull ahead of the competition.

A large American multinational telecommunications company asked us to develop a digital Voice of Customer (VoC) strategy. It needed to track the customer’s digital experience, identify opportunities to boost retention, and design an online experience that would turn customers into advocates. We analyzed its existing VoC, compared its digital experiences to best-in-class competitors, and crafted a future state VoC roadmap—stocked with actionable steps to guide it past competitors.

Business Challenge

As consumers flock to digital spaces, businesses are launching new tools and updating old ones to meet the customer’s online needs. But it’s easy to lose touch with the voice of customers when they’re scattered across multiple omnichannel touchpoints. To stay ahead of competitors, businesses need to set up systems that measure, analyze, and constantly improve digital customer experiences (CX) at every touchpoint.

Our client understood how crucial CX was to its business, but it needed help listening to and understanding its customers’ voices—especially in digital spaces. Too many customers were leaving, and it wanted to build digital experiences that kept customers loyal and turned them into brand advocates. However, it wasn’t sure which people, processes, or technology to prioritize in order to build that ideal digital future state.

How Andrew Reise Helped

We conducted in-depth interviews with internal stakeholders to understand their current routines, increase alignment, and identify gaps that stood between the brand and the ideal future state. From there, we used our Value Compass exercise to line up the client’s gaps in its current VoC with its future state vision. Next, we laid out a competitive analysis, listed opportunities, and helped our client prioritize its efforts. Ultimately, we built a full-stop digital VoC strategy equipped with 26 action plans.

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Designing Digital Customer Experiences That Set the Brand Apart


1. Aligning goals

We conducted interviews with our client’s key stakeholders to determine goals, priorities, concerns, and needs. These interviews surfaced stakeholders’ experiences with customers as well as the client’s ideal future state.

2. Defining metrics and measurements

We identified key metrics and measurements in order to evaluate customer experiences and locate opportunities. We also launched and analyzed surveys to understand what digital customers were struggling with and what they wanted.

3. Evaluating the client’s current state digital VoC

To evaluate our client’s digital experiences, we identified four important online capabilities:

  • Payment arrangements
  • Billing disputes
  • Managing usage
  • Plan change and international plans

From there, we conducted VoC analysis, gathered feedback, and used inside-out persona work to identify pain points, unmet needs, and opportunities in each digital experience.

4. Creating a digital VoC competitive analysis

We dove into in-depth research on the digital VoC of both competitors and best-in-class industry leaders. Then we built a full-scale competitive analysis to identify any gaps between the client’s current digital capabilities and its competitors’.

5. Creating a Future State VoC Roadmap

By gathering feedback, evaluating processes, and analyzing technology, we helped the client develop a future state VoC roadmap. This north star vision included actionable strategies and helped the client visualize its ideal digital customer experiences.

6. Prioritizing action plans

To identify which changes would deliver the highest ROI, we conducted a full Value Compass exercise. This exercise helped our client identify maturity gaps and decide which actions to prioritize in order to create its ideal digital future states.

Results Achieved

We developed a full-scale VoC initiative roadmap for the client. To give it strategic flexibility, we organized and ranked these action plans based on four different key priorities:

  • Value to customer
  • Value to the client
  • Ease of implementation
  • Value compass drivers
We also laid out 26 initiatives the client could put into action right away to help transform its existing VoC into a world-class digital VoC. Finally, we deployed and updated surveys to continuously draw insights from stakeholders and shine light on new opportunities to improve.

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